Does Your Copy Suck? Call Tony Now!!! (480) 809-2992

This Website Will Give You FREE Tips to Write Sizzling Direct Response Sales Copy and Create Slam Dunk Marketing Campaigns!


Dear (soon to be) New Friend,

Welcome to my web site.

You’ve stumbled onto what was very likely the first (or one of the first) online resources for FREE copy writing wisdom.

This baby was launched in the 1990’s to give people like you crucial tips, tactics, and tools, to create your own result producing direct response copy.

If you poke around a bit, you’ll find some of the timeless “copywriting secrets” and depending on my schedule, you may even be privy to the latest and greatest stuff that’s crushing controls in today’s market. Either way, whatever you find here is ALL tested and proven to work!

Who Am I?

Well, you can find out a bit more on my “about page” but name is Tony Stark Policci. Back in the late 1990’s I was dubbed the world’s most conscientious copywriter.

Over the years I’ve made my living as a direct response marketer, strategist, and copywriter. By last count, my copywriting and marketing promotions have produced over 557 MILLION dollars in results for my clients. Results are all that matter, and results are measured in dollars of profit.

I hope by visiting my site, you’ll gain some knowledge that will help you get results too!

Do I Look Famous to You?

You may have seen me somewhere OTHER than those popularly attended marketing events. You see, I got my start in marketing as an actor.

My goal was to use direct response copy and marketing techniques to get an edge in a very competitive business. It worked and I was making a great living as an actor until I had to shift my focus to be a dad.

Around the same time I had the chance to become a co-creator of Piranha Marketing Inc., along with my younger brother Joe Polish. We forged Piranha into an international phenomena that has only grown bigger and more successful. In fact, from those humble beginnings Joe went on to create many successful ventures the most well know of which is his Genius Network.  Some people ask me why I left to become the CEO of my own company. The answer is simple. At the time, my family needed me more than Joe did.

However, in the early years, I had the great privilege of working with legendary marketers and copywriters. That has given me far greater freedom and opportunity than most copywriters to put my ideas to conclusive tests – and to see whether or not they really work.

But enough about me…let’s talk about you!

I know you want to write copy that gets attention. You want copy that converts and closes. You want your marketing dollar to return 100, 200, 300% and more on your investment. Well, all that and more is possible when you invest the time to learn the methods.

On this web site you’ll find a whole bunch of cool information on how to write copy that is clear, (concise when necessary), compelling and credible.

I’ll even show you a fine collection of Absolutely Brilliant Concepts to help you supercharge your marketing!

You Can Write Innovative, No-Nonsense Control Crushing Copy!


Here’s What My Site Will Show You:

    • How to Increase Your Response to Any Ad, Direct Mail or Online Marketing Promotion.
    • How to Sell More of Your Product or Service
    • How to Use Absolutely Brilliant Concepts that – Grab Attention, Create Interest, Cause Desire and Compel People to Take Action…

“My Goal is That Your Time Here Will turn YOU – Into YOUR Own Guru”

Start in my FREE “Copywriting Help” section up top or on your left). There’s Topic Specific Sections, Jam Packed With Powerful Secrets on Marketing, Advertising, Direct Marketing, and Copy writing.

When you start looking through all the examples I’ve provided in the KILLER SAMPLES sections, you might want even more.

If so, I suggest you sign up for my copy writing newsletter too.

Why subscribe to yet another freaking email newsletter?

Excellent question!

Because I only send it out a couple times a year. Heck, you’ll hardly hear from me at all. But when you do, my copy writing newsletter will be filled with INFO – not PITCHES in disguise!

I mean let’s be honest here, there’s hardly any difference between most of the other guru’s newsletters and the daily, unrelenting onslaught of spam.

If you’re sick of having your email box flooded with useless newsletters…then READ something useful…read Tony Policci’s FREE copy writing newsletter.

My newsletter is a no-nonsense labor of love, bursting with killer copywriting tips and tactics™.

I promise my newsletter is not like 99% of those other “marketing guru’s” who send out one silly pitch after another with nary a useful piece of information to be found…I strive to give you super productive copy-writing and marketing tips in every issue, and deliver those copywriting tips without wasting your time or boring you.

And remember, you’ll be darn lucky if you get more than a few issues a year from me. 

So give it a try. Sign up for my Free Copy Writing Tips Newsletter now…you won’t be disappointed.

Enjoy my site, and may G_d bless your efforts!

Tony Policci


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What Can You Expect When You Subscribe To My Newsletter?

Well, that's a fair question...and one that I will answer with honesty.

My whole philosophy is delivering honest to goodness real world proven techniques and tactics that turn objections into sales.

If you wish to improve your copywriting skills, subscribe today.

Also, if you haven't read my award winning, international bestselling book "The Wise Guys" Copywriting the image of the book to learn how you can get your own copy.